Libra Full Moon Forgiveness Ritual

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Today is a full moon in Libra and it’s a perfect time to do inner work.

The full moon is glowing big and bright which allows us to see into our darkest fears.

Marie Kondo’s Netflix series Tidying Up highlights how a person can increase their happiness when they declutter their home. Marie enables people to throw out the junk that is no longer bringing them joy in their home.


Tidying up is not a one-time thing. It is good practice to have a cleaning routine. Even dust bunnies accumulate in our room and dirty the place up without us noticing! No wonder roomba’s are practically on every adult’s wish list. Who doesn’t want a robot to vacuum their house on a daily basis?!

Everything in our outer world has a connection to our inner world. We accumulate junk in our homes and at the same time we accumulate emotional junk in our soul.

Sometime’s we get big pieces of junk left in our hearts from traumatic events, and other times we accumulate little dust bunnies like negative thoughts that linger in our mind.

Start to think of your Full Moon Ritual as your new tidying up routine for your soul.


Here are steps for your Libra Full Moon Ritual:

1. Check in with your thoughts. What negative patterns have been bubbling up to the surface lately? Practice your intuition skills to help you with tonight’s forgiveness ritual by saying, “Dear soul, please reveal to me who and what I need to forgive for tonight’s full moon.”

2. Turn your focus on the area of relationships and partnerships in your life. Questions you can ask yourself are:

  • Are there any past relationships I need to forgive?

  • Have I been hurt in any personal or professional partnerships lately?

  • Have I been dishonest and unkind with the relationship I have with myself?

3. Forgiveness is possible when you can accept the situation for what it is and see the silver lining of it all. Write a forgiveness letter to the person you are forgiving. Start by saying, “I accept the situation for what it is. Thank you for teaching me _________.”

4. Lesson’s do not need to be repeated if you learned it correctly the first time. After you write your forgiveness letter, identify what you will do differently to make sure both parties will be happy in the future.

5. Lastly, end your ritual with gratitude. Give thanks for the lesson’s you learned and celebrate yourself for tidying up your soul!


Now that you let go of the junk! You can make room for new treasures! Happy Full Moon. 💫

With love and gratitude,

P.S. I will be launching a spiritual group coaching program called The Rose Quartz Mastermind for babes who are ready to level up their spiritual knowledge and manifest their best life. Join the waitlist here and be the first to get notified when applications open.

Shannon Taruc