Birth Chart Reading
Birth Chart Reading
You will receive a written customized 10-page reading that focuses on your:
Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign
Life Path and Purpose
Special Talents
Challenges To Overcome in This Lifetime
Career Fulfillment
Love Life Insight
An audio recording of your birth chart interpreted by Shannon Taruc.
*Prices are in USD.*
Bianca - “It’s so crazy, I feel SO SURE NOW of what I want to do in my life.”
Ileana - “She provided me with a new awareness around how I behave, what my goals are, and how I can pursue them! What I love is she was also able to provide advice on how I can manage certain areas of my life.”
Anna - “Thank you for my reading, It was SCARY on point. I feel like so much of the work you did really tapped into my inherent self and you really helped me shed some light on parts of my life that I was ignoring… which really helped me fall into my purpose.
Heather - “Shannon did an amazing job explaining how each piece shows up in me and my life. I felt really SEEN which is really interesting to have someone you have never met break you down. I have a bigger grasp on my bigger purpose and mission in this lifetime.”
MaKenzie - “If you have been considering this, you need to do it, like yesterday! I now know I am here for a purpose and I am being divinely guided.”