Birth Chart Reading

Birth Chart Reading


You will receive a written customized 10-page reading that focuses on your:

  • Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign

  • Life Path and Purpose

  • Special Talents

  • Challenges To Overcome in This Lifetime

  • Career Fulfillment

  • Love Life Insight


  • An audio recording of your birth chart interpreted by Shannon Taruc.

*Prices are in USD.*

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Bianca - “It’s so crazy, I feel SO SURE NOW of what I want to do in my life.” 


Ileana - “She provided me with a new awareness around how I behave, what my goals are, and how I can pursue them! What I love is she was also able to provide advice on how I can manage certain areas of my life.”


Anna - “Thank you for my reading, It was SCARY on point. I feel like so much of the work you did really tapped into my inherent self and you really helped me shed some light on parts of my life that I was ignoring… which really helped me fall into my purpose.


Heather - “Shannon did an amazing job explaining how each piece shows up in me and my life. I felt really SEEN which is really interesting to have someone you have never met break you down. I have a bigger grasp on my bigger purpose and mission in this lifetime.” 


MaKenzie - “If you have been considering this, you need to do it, like yesterday! I now know I am here for a purpose and I am being divinely guided.”